Monday, March 16, 2009

"Daddy, I want ride on the mower"

These are the words from PJ. "I want to drive the mower." Well, his feet won't reach the pedals, so the answer was no. "Daddy, I want to go for a ride on the mower." For the longest time he begged for a ride.

Now, the weather here has been iffy at best. We really have had a wet Spring, which is fine with me. I don't care either way. Actually, the more it rains, the better tips are in the delivery business. So, I don't really care.

Right after we got the mower, Chuck took it out to mow. He wanted to beat our neighbor in getting the yard cut first. So, he took it out, mowed the yard and found out that the bagger line was clogged, so out came the pressure washer to clean everything off.

I had to go over to the neighbor's to see a quilt that she made and when I got done, this is what I saw:

I guess PJ talked his Daddy into taking him for a ride. And several times around the yard was their plan. All I noticed was the smile on PJ's face. You could see it across the yard. He was so happy. He would fly by, "hi Mommy!I am going for my ride." Yes, I can see that son.

Chuck said the other day about how much he missed out on. How much he wanted to do with the boys, but just couldn't. He had to make labor at work, he had to fill in for someone, he had to go here and there for work. It was all work, all stress, no life, no family moments, no family fun. Now, he can pack the truck up and take the boys and my dad or his dad fishing. Three generations spending that time lost together. Me, I will be happy for a day at home, alone. But still, he realized that life was all work, no play. He missed out on basketball games, football games, soccer games, plays and practices. He was tired of missing out on life and not living it.

I know what is most important. It isn't making your employer richer. It it making your life richer. It is having a life with your family. Chuck realized that he missed so much and he doesn't want to miss anymore.


Johanna said...

That second picture with the the boys heading away from you is the very best. It deserves to be framed and PJ will really appreciate that picture when he grows older.

You and Chuck are right, you know. Life isn't about getting the employer rich. It's about living and spending time with the family. Those riches don't come with a price tag. Glad he's having an opportunity to reconnect with the family. Everyone wins in the end.